
High Yield Biochemistry
  • “This was even too much, but its certainly more manageable than Lippincott.”
  • “High Yield Biochemistry is the perfect book for a one or two day board review. It is easy reading without the complex charts and detail needed in the first year of medical school."
  • “A few unexplained parts but you can google those. Use in combination with first aid.”
  • “High-Yield Biochemistry seemed almost useless to me. It could be great for people that have a stronger ability to memorize stuff, but, unfortunately, I have to understand a little before being able to learn..."
  • "This text is good for one thing, the overall picture and how the biochem of lipid, carb, and AA metabolism all fits together. This book IS NOT, I REPEAT, NOT! a standalone. However, combine this book with Qbank and First Aide and you will be reasonably prepared..."

Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry
  • "This book is big, but AWESOME!!!!"
  • "I was 'anti' this book for a bit b/c it looked way too detailed, but it turned out to be super helpful.  Great descriptions of how diseases are associated with biochem."
  • “Although I used Kaplan as primary source for biochem, I must say that actually loved (Champe's) book. It's main importance was related to the visuals -- the superb pathway representations helped me grasp the subject matter better. The text is far too detailed and has loads of useless info. In fact, my test had so little "classic" biochem, that I almost regret having spent so much time with it. Genetics covered by this book, and by Kaplan Biochem, is not exactly what I came across in my exam."
  • "Excellent book. Clear figures. However, this book has the same problem most medical texts have, namely that is is too long."
  • "This book is too detailed for USMLE step 1 review. At times it compensates for its completeness (e.g., discussing every single step in each metabolic pathway) by highlighting the more important information, but even much of this highlighted material is unimportant."
  • “One of the first books I read when I started studying was to quickly review all of this book. It is easy to bog down in this book, though. Biochemistry isn't a huge topic on the Boards, so the Biochem reviewed in First-Aid is in many cases enough. Be sure to know all the diseases that occur when various lipid products accumulate (Hurler's, Hunter's, Tay-Sachs, etc.).”