BRS Neuroanatomy
- "I only had time to use this review book the weekend before the board, so I did all of the questions and then read what I needed to brush up on. There were a LOT of miskeyed answers, and then some answers were just flat out wrong."
- "BRS is usually the go-to review book among those in my class, so I naturally purchased this book to prep for the neuro NBME. When I received it, I was surprised that it was heavier than other BRS books I had. It does hit the high points, but it kind of drones with A LOT of details that could have been left out of the final book. It does do its job but could definitely be shorter."
Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple
- "Without question, this is one of the best books ever written for medical students or anyone else struggling through neurosciences. It miraculously removes the tedious details of this important topic and instead focuses on clinically relevant information in an effort to maximize understanding and minimize memorization."
- "As a medical student, I suggest that this is the first place you go to learn about neuroanatomy."
- “Neuro was a weak point for me so I needed more, you may not need this much”
- “Neuro HY so worth the extra pages of reading. Lots of very good brain images in the beginning. First Aid is good at covering a lot of the key points though.”
- “Even though only a few questions on the exam will concern neuroanatomy or neuroscience, spending a day or two with this book is a worthwhile investment. Be sure to learn about the different types of headaches! I had about 5 questions on this subject on my actual exam!”
- “First Aid is money for most subjects, but it's weak on neuro. This book is a very good balance between too little and too much for this overwhelming subject. The High Yield series keeps improving in quality, and in the newest edition is even better at showing clinical scenarios and integrating other subjects like pathology or physiology.”
- “This is a good book for people who need to review for the boards and have a good foundation of neuroanatomy. If you don't have solid footing the lack of explanations might confuse you. On the other hand it is quite concise so it is easy to get through.”
Lange Clinical Neurology
- “I tried to go with Lange Clnical Neurology, but gave up quickly. I also tried the HY, but I couldn't "get along" with that book."
- "Not really for USMLE, more for the wards."