BRS Cell Biology & Histology
- "If you are a starting MS1 this is a good book to use for class as it has alot of good detail condensed in an outline format. It comes with a CD that has been quite helpful. However, when it comes to the Boards is just too big of a book for a subject that is not high yield- think about it- this book is just as big as BRS Path."
- "I felt that this was a good book to use for board review purposes. The outline format, like all the BRS books, is easy to follow and makes it easy to look up info. The end of chapter questions are the best part by allowing you to see if you really understood what you just read. It does not have the number and quality of pictures."
- "I have used many of the BRS books for class (the physio one is great!), but this one I found to be confusing and disorganized. It was not pertinent to the material covered on the USMLE or in microbio."
- "A must have. Really important and understandable facts in the light of USMLE. I'm reading some other books on this subject too, and I have inferred that this one is very good."