

BRS Physiology
  • "Covers all that phys that FA leaves out”
  • "You definitely need to know your physiology inside & out.  I got this book and went torough it for each section 1st year and then again during 2nd year b/c you have got to know it cold by Step 1."
  • “A terrific synopsis of all the physiology you need- a big topic on the USMLE.”
  • “Good to master this book before actual boards studying. It's quite long, and a good background in physiology is essential, in my opinion.”
  • “Great book. I also used Kaplan, especially for Endocrine (simpler, more focused). I heard a lot of talk about pathophysiology. Frankly, these two resources prepared me for anything that might be called that way. I didn't use any specific book for that, but I never felt like I was indeed missing anything."

Rapid Review Physiology
  • "Similar to the other rapid review books, there is a lot of information.  The BRS book it more simplified, but if you want details, definitely go with this book.  For me, I needed a more thorough review so this book was key."
  • "Honestly, this is the best book i've read in medical school. Clear, concise explanations of every important topic in physiology. I wish I would have had this during the course."
  • "Personally i think i preferred brs physio to this one, but if you like the bullet point format of RR, then this would be your pick. not a bad book at all."
  • "I definitely think BRS is better, its good to get as much physio prep as you can though!"

Lange USMLE Road Map: Physiology

  • "The way he writes sometimes is confusing, hard to understand."
  • "This book is so plagued by errors that I wonder whether the author knows even the basics of physiology."